Friday, July 8, 2011

I am Swamped!!

When I say that phrase, what do you think I mean? I have been thinking about my words so much lately. Especially since I have been trying to say them in a way that is totally unfamiliar to me to people who don't think the same way I do. We have been spending 5 hours a day for the past two weeks with our language helper. My brain is full, at least I feel that way. So when I say I am swamped, I mean my cup is full and overflowing with so many new Swahili words, that I don't know how I will ever remember them all. Someday all the words I am learning are going to all fit together in an amazing way to communicate the most wonderful story in history to people who may have never heard it before, and THAT is what keeps me motivated to press in when I feel like I can't stuff another word into the dictionary in my brain.

We had an awesome visit with a team of 17 folks from home. They went first to Rawanda to help with water projects. Then they came here to see us, see where we live, and connect with the local church here. It was an amazing time of fellowship and encouragement. One of the team members, Miranda, who will be a senior in High school next year, stayed for an extra 3 weeks. She has been such a wonderful help to us, not only with watching the kids and cooking with me, but also as a friend to talk to, watch movies with, and play games together. Rob and I have been able to play games that we haven't played in a long time. Tomorrow she and I will be going to an African arts and crafts market. She needs to buy some things for people back home. It will be a lot of fun.

Have a blessed day wherever you are!

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